
VolkerRail wins seven year contract with Network Rail

VolkerRail's plant division has been awarded a seven year framework contract by Network Rail's National Delivery Service team for the supply of 11 on-track machines under the "National On-Track Machine Contract".


The contract, which is worth c£67 million over the next seven years, provides Network Rail with nine tamping machines, two ballast regulators, experienced machine operators and the management services of the plant division's support services team.

This seven year framework in the London North East Territory replaces the previously shorter contracts for track alignment and ballast formation, allowing for longer term delivery strategies taking in to account investment in people, equipment and year on year efficiencies.

Steve Cocliff, managing director of VolkerRail, said: "This is a very important contract for us and builds upon the successful collaborative approach adopted by both Network Rail and VolkerRail in the delivery of continued improvement.

"The award builds on the high performance of our outgoing contract with Network Rail, which has been delivered in a safe, reliable and efficient way. This award provides some recognition of the hard work our plant division has put in to this previous contract and is a credit to the business."

VolkerRail has been awarded the National On-Track Machine Contract following its previous contract awarded in 2009 and extended to 2011. This award has the potential to provide over 1 million man hours of work and 20,000 machine shifts.