Signalling gantry installation at Warrington March 2024


We provide cost-effective engineering solutions for railway signalling projects throughout the UK.

Investment in the modernisation and improvement of signalling across the UK is a priority, with a focus on both the replacement of life expired equipment and the development of the European Train Control System.

We have decades of experience in complex design, construction, and testing and commissioning of signalling works. This includes:

  • Interlocking renewals
  • Re-control of lineside assets
  • New and relocated signals
  • Location cases
  • Point operating equipment
  • Full and partial level crossing renewal
  • Signal box refurbishment or renewal 

Our teams are well versed in a wide range of solutions, and have experience of operating at all levels to support the life extension or replacement of current infrastructure, as well as working with other leading industry partners to deliver digital signalling solutions, building towards European Train Control System deployment.

Complete project delivery

We manage the full project life cycle  and complete all aspects of design, project engineering, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance support, across all signalling technologies, equipment and systems. 


We provide design support, feasibility and optioneering studies, asset condition reports, scheme plan productions, or professional consultation including detailed SSI data design. This is an end-to-end service to help improve efficiency and reduce costs.


We also provide design, supply, install and test services for operational and lineside telecommunication renewals, either as a single discipline provider, or as part of multidisciplinary project, to ensure end-to-end connectivity. We also offer these capabilities for station information and security systems.

Pre-fabrication facility

Our Doncaster based pre fabrication facility also allows our team to prebuild and test signalling location cases and relocatable equipment buildings in a controlled environment, reducing on site working times whilst ensure high quality installation. 

A man working on a signalling REB unit smiling

Latest updates

To see our latest project and news updates, focused around our signalling expertise, click below.