
Signalling & Telecoms Framework

North West and Central (NW&C) region.

For the last five years, our teams have been delivering an extensive programme of enhancements and renewals as part of the S&T Framework, across the North West and Central (NW&C) region.

Network Rail is committed to transforming NW&C into a customer-focused, service organisation that puts passengers first, and our efforts since 2019 is helping them do just that.

Over the course of this framework, 88 contracts were awarded, at a value of over £147m. This includes Wigan Southport Level Crossings, signalling interventions on the West Coast Mainline, and the replacement of life expired assets at critical locations, such as Manchester Piccadilly train station and Chiltern ATP.

In total, we have:

  • Installed 40 structures
  • Installed 110 Signals
  • Installed 85 signalling assets
  • Commissioned 33 signals
  • Replaced over 6,000 relays
  • Installed 6 new level crossings and upgraded or refurbished a further 7.

Framework extension

In 2024, Network Rail has extended our Signalling & Telecoms Framework Agreement until May 2025.

This is the first of three potential yearly extensions, and recognises the hard work undertaken by everyone since 2014. Lets continue to improve the network, and bring better services for passengers and freight operators for years to come.